"As member of the strategos consultants team, Lorenz Huber has been supporting our customers and their executives since 2008 successfully in developing their active role in change processes. We proceed our cooperation in logistic, engineering and insurance continuously."
Marion Kramer
Founder STRATEGOS Organizational Consulting
“An over controlled team works under “orientation stress”. An under controlled team works under “vacuum stress”. Only Balanced Leadership facilitates the team’s active interplay.”
Why Balance?
Leadership Training
Team Training
Why Balance?
British and german studies found out independently, that orchestras can only succeed in the long term, if they manage competing demands effectively. It’s not the question “democracy or alignment?”, but how to switch over depending on the challenges.
Initial situation
- Competing demands are challenging executives and teams
- They are e.g. speed/complexity, diversity/efficiency, and creativity/standardization
- Under pressure, the “common understanding of the common piece” gets out of sight
- Working modes get incompatible
Let’s rethink
- The “common understanding of the common piece” must be consolidated
- “Balancing Leadership & Team” means to manage competing demands effectively
Leadership Training
Target groups
- Executives
- Increase of leadership impact
- Achieving goals through managing competing demands effectively
- Discovering competing demands in the area of responsibility
- Rhetoric tools for convincing delegation and team motivation
- Conducting musicians for clear communication
- Case studies for development of new activity options
Team Training
Target groups
- Teams
- Managing competing demands together
- Improving cooperation inside and outside the team
- Discovering competing demands in the team
- Comparing inside and outside perspective on the team
- Orchestra exercises for attentive cooperation and common dynamic
- Clearing of individual efforts for the “common piece”, that means for the common mission
Following these guidelines:
- Confidentiality
- Based on your concern, we find the ways to your individual goals
- Team coaching is based on impartiality and equidistance